What is a Bohemian Capitalist?

  • Bohemian - a person (such as a writer or an artist) living an unconventional life

  • Capitalist - a person who favors capitalism

Put simply, I enjoy the arts as much as I enjoy economics.

A buddy once said, “Evans, you’re the only guy I know who’s just as comfortable wearing a tuxedo at a country club as you are living in a tent in the backcountry.” If I had to define a Bohemian Capitalist, that might be it.

This collection of writings and ruminations explores my interests; from golf to travel to monetary policy, cigars and pipes, haberdashers, National Parks, squash & esoteric racquet sports, steakhouses, antiques, sailing, bookstores, Northern California, skiing, Wall Street, road trips, shotguns, horse racing, watches, philosophy, Dixie & Southern culture, libraries, boxing, Grateful Dead, polo, economics, my love for the Oxford comma, mountaineering, Manhattan, audiophile stuff, higher education, BBQ and homemade banana pudding, dive bars, philately, aviation, Jackson Hole & other mountain towns, Beatniks, non-profits, history, interior design, horticulture, diplomacy, fly-fishing, coffee, archaeology, New England, vintage board games, ice cream, automobiles, college football, and the arts - painting, literature, architecture, poetry, theater, film, and music.

-Bradley A. Evans
