A Case for Cashmere (but not for YETI)
Misc. Bradley A. Evans Misc. Bradley A. Evans

A Case for Cashmere (but not for YETI)

1,531 Words. 6 Minute Read.

I had the distinct pleasure of participating in a decadent sartorial rite of passage this week – I wore cashmere socks for the first time. You heard me right. Cashmere socks are a thing, and to quote Jerry Seinfeld’s girlfriend, “They’re real, and they’re spectacular.”

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Back to School
Misc. Bradley A. Evans Misc. Bradley A. Evans

Back to School

291 Words. 1 Minute Read.

It’s no secret that I’ve long missed college. If I had it to do over again, I would’ve studied classics at Dartmouth, joined the ski team, and set my sights on teaching at Yale after getting a PhD in literature. The point is, I never would’ve left a college campus.

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Loss and the Love of a Dog
Misc. Bradley A. Evans Misc. Bradley A. Evans

Loss and the Love of a Dog

980 Words. 4 Minute Read.

Scott had a home on a two-acre island with a rickety wood bridge that looked like it was straight from the set of Swiss Family Robinson. I don’t know how I got home every night, but I always woke up to Scott’s black lab sleeping with me. He’d burrow beneath the covers and get as close as he could. That puppy knew I wasn’t well, and as only a dog can do, he loved me unconditionally.

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