Wading in a Pond of Fear
Misc. Bradley A. Evans Misc. Bradley A. Evans

Wading in a Pond of Fear

1,366 Words. 5 minute Read.

I am the emotional manifestation of stitches barely holding a life together—symmetrical and tidy on the outside, battered and bruised within, like a foot inside a ballet slipper.

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The Masters and Bedtime
Misc. Bradley A. Evans Misc. Bradley A. Evans

The Masters and Bedtime

332 Words. 1 Minute Read.

When my kids were babies, I played The Masters theme song to put them to sleep, and it worked every time.

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My Allman Brothers
Misc. Bradley A. Evans Misc. Bradley A. Evans

My Allman Brothers

475 Words. 2 Minute Read.

I want to feel Duane and Dickey’s git-tars glide through my brain like a hawk in a thermal … while booze poisons my bloodstream.

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