When Kids Walked to School
886 Words. 3 Minute Read.
We had a one mile walk to school that was relatively flat. We walked by a creek that we’d all jump over, hoping someone would fall in and have to go to school in wet trousers. Then we’d pass the crossing guard and head up 140th Street, where a well-worn path had been kept navigable by generations of little boys playing Huck Finn on their way to school.

Dispersion Patterns in Life
608 Words. 2 Minute Read.
I believe dispersion patterns exist everywhere in life, from relationships to hobbies to professional endeavors, with the most pronounced ones appearing in our vices. We just don’t know it because 20/20 hindsight is as pragmatic as it is elusive.

Why I Wear a Tie
461 Words. 2 Minute Read.
Another reason I wear a tie is that it’s a sign I respect you. When I arrive at a meeting in a tie, it means you’re important to me and I’m taking our time together seriously. I find that a tie sets the right tone, like a perfectly arranged dinner table.