Navy SEALs & Tweed Jackets
Misc. Bradley A. Evans Misc. Bradley A. Evans

Navy SEALs & Tweed Jackets

984 Words. 4 Minute Read.

As I grabbed it off the rack, my fingertips realized it was Saxony tweed. At this point, I began praying: Dear Jesus, I know I’m a heathen with more vice than virtue, but I need a jacket! Before I knew it, I was confessing my sins like Chunk in The Goonies.

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The Things We Do for Friends
Misc. Bradley A. Evans Misc. Bradley A. Evans

The Things We Do for Friends

507 Words. 2 Minute Read.

The Golden Child is golden head to toe: starting from the top - his scalp is adorned with wavy walnut-colored locks that women fawn over. His cheeks and jawline, which resemble the proportions of a Greco-Roman soldier, have a heavy prickling of coarse facial hair, but he's always clean-shaven on account of habits he picked up as an officer in the Marine Corps.

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Hatred and Illumination
Misc. Bradley A. Evans Misc. Bradley A. Evans

Hatred and Illumination

849 Words. 3 Minute Read.

Hate is a radically atrocious word. How can so much darkness be packed into something so small? Strung together, it’s just two vowels and two consonants, alternating to form a single-syllable verb. Maybe that's why it is so poisonous. Unlike a boa constrictor, whose length is measured in yards, hate is as exacting as the venom in a spider.

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My Book and My Mustache
Misc. Bradley A. Evans Misc. Bradley A. Evans

My Book and My Mustache

555 Words. 2 Minute Read.

I am not writing a book – I am assembling a book. I was reviewing my work and realized I wrote sixteen articles on New York in the last few months. So, I said to myself, “Self…put these together, add in some commentary, and get ‘em bound.” And I’ve had a fabulous time doing it. They’ll be on sale shortly.

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