Signs of Aging
Misc. Bradley A. Evans Misc. Bradley A. Evans

Signs of Aging

540 Words. 2 Minute Read.

If I’m being honest, there are a few other signs of aging, and I’m not talking about my daily nap, the fact that I need readers (especially in dimly lit restaurants—TURN ON THE DAMN LIGHTS!), or the pretzel-like stretches I use to relieve my lower back pain.

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A Walk on 5th Avenue
Travel Bradley A. Evans Travel Bradley A. Evans

A Walk on 5th Avenue

429 Words. 2 Minute Read.

I crossed over 54th and saw a homeless man. His posture was oddly reminiscent of an ancient Roman, lying on his side with his back against the wall of the University Club—impossible to ignore, erupting with curiosities.

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Perspective in Chicago
Travel Bradley A. Evans Travel Bradley A. Evans

Perspective in Chicago

1,354 Words. Six Minute Read.

As I write this, I’m sitting in row 38 on a 737 at O’Hare going zero miles per hour. Row 38 is the very last one with seats that don’t recline because you share a wall with the lavatory – a thin wall, I might add. I thought the fuselage exploded when the first person flushed the commode. I’m not kidding, I about had a damn heart attack.

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Runnin’ & Gunnin’ in NYC
Travel Bradley A. Evans Travel Bradley A. Evans

Runnin’ & Gunnin’ in NYC

925 Words. 4 Minute Read

I’ve met poets, playwrights, media personalities, bankers, architects, lawyers, journalists, haberdashers, professors, nonprofit directors, academics, actors, musicians, ministers, restaurateurs, anarchists, Marxists, and a variety of intellectuals and entrepreneurs. 45 days in the greatest city in the world. And I am exhausted. The Big Apple got its pound of flesh. How arrogant to believe I would be the exception to the rule.

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Cuban Cigars in Midtown Manhattan
Misc. Bradley A. Evans Misc. Bradley A. Evans

Cuban Cigars in Midtown Manhattan

1,271 Words. 5 Minute Read.

I’ve also heard rumors of a cloth satchel that holds the actual seeds of Cuba’s most valuable export. This national treasure is locked behind a ten-ton steel door at the base of a mountain, guarded around the clock by illiterate mercenaries in flip-flops and track shorts. Inside the satchel is the byproduct of years of crossbreeding scientifically engineered variations of the leafy seed of God.

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