Coffee in the Upper East Side
WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans

Coffee in the Upper East Side

631 Words. 2 Minute Read.

For starters, there’s a sign hanging on the front door that says, “No Laptops.” And that, I love - no hipsters, no terribly dressed tech nerds with obnoxious Apple products protruding from their ears, and no post-millennials trying to change the world from the comfort of the Upper East Side; just tiny tables and French music – it’s a beautiful thing.

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Bowling in Central Park
WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans

Bowling in Central Park

931 Words. 4 Minute Read.

I recently joined the New York Lawn Bowling Club. I’m living in Manhattan for the summer and wanted an outdoor sport that required as little physical exertion as possible. And since there isn’t a club dedicated to smoking cigars in the shade, lawn bowling had to do.

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Chasing Trout in Carolina
WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans

Chasing Trout in Carolina

1,510 Words. 6 Minute Read.

Wiiiiiisssssshhhhhhh went my reel…screaming as line shot through the guides on a three-weight like a missile off the deck of a battleship. I had a big boy on the other end fighting for his life.

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Logos & Such
WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans

Logos & Such

1,219 Words. 5 Minute Read.

Life is odd at times. You work so hard for what you want, and when you get it, you don’t know that at that very moment, that’s as high as you’ll ever feel, and with each subsequent interaction, it loses its excitement and newness, until you become indifferent about seeing a movie screening at Peachtree Golf Club. What the hell is wrong with me?

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An Improbable Hole-in-One
WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans

An Improbable Hole-in-One

517 Words. 2 Minute Read.

I’ll never forget the feeling because it can’t be replicated. The good Lord only hands them out once, maybe twice in a lifetime. Let’s just say I know how Mickey Mantle felt when he launched his 565-foot moonshot out of Griffith Stadium in ‘53.  

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