Songs in Savannah

Songs that tear your heart out.

Songs that leave you emotionally naked.

Songs that find the grief you thought you hid away.

Songs that unwrap the memories you wish didn’t exist.

Songs that release crippling pain.

Songs that remind you of a little brother who’s dying.

Songs that take you back to the memories of his blond hair when he was so little and beautiful and gentle and innocent;

when he loved you unconditionally; his rosy cheeks on a cold day; the love he received in his mother’s arms.

I saw him in my son once and it broke me…those songs.

Songs that changed you.

Songs you exchanged a part of your soul for.

Songs that ask for too much, but you acquiesce to.

Songs you no longer fight.

Songs that speak to the little boy who only wants to be protected.

Songs that remind you of your mistakes.

Songs that haunt you.

Songs that feel like the darkness of a winter’s day.

Songs that exist in oceans currents and fallen autumn leaves.

Songs of summer days in the rivers of Washington state.

Songs of Jackson Hole…will you heal me…release me.

Songs stuck in the canyons of the Tetons.

Songs of Tybee Island.

Songs of Savannah…songs in the cobblestone streets.

Songs of the last time we got to be brothers.


Lower Manhattan & Harrowing Memories


Bonham in 100 Words