That’s How I Got to Memphis
I’m too damn tired to write…but I’m writing. That’s how it goes.
If you love somebody enough
You'll follow wherever they go
That's how I got to Memphis
That's how I got to Memphis
There are songs that make me cry, and tonight I’m listening to one of them.
I haven't eaten a bite
Or slept for three days and nights
That's how I got to Memphis
That's how I got to Memphis
This song gets me every time. The story of a man who loves a woman so badly he’s willing to go anywhere to find her. It’s simple and honest. It’s how we all want to feel.
Sometimes we just need to feel.
Feel pain and regret … feel it deeply … feel it until a cold tear rolls down your cheek.
Pet the black dog that sits next to us with that terribly sad stare that only a dog can give.
Thank you for your precious time
Forgive me if I start to cryin'
That's how I got to Memphis
That's how I got to Memphis
Sometimes I need that cold tear on my cheek. I don’t know why. I just know I need it.