A Man of the Cloth
WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans

A Man of the Cloth

1,056 Words. 4 Minute Read.

All the men in my family have dressed about the same; conservative by any standard, but with a sense of individualism. Dad prefers glen plaid sports jackets, whereas his father wore a fresh picked rose bud in the lapel of his double breasted suits.

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Seminole Golf Club
WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans

Seminole Golf Club

1,567 Words. 6 Minute Read.

You start with signing the guest book at the bottom of an ancient staircase that is covered, yet exposed to the elements. As you ascend up the stairs you’re left wondering what you’re about to see – and then it happens! You arrive in a beautifully shaded courtyard with massive views of the links style course.

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The North Face - Mountain Light
Adventure Bradley A. Evans Adventure Bradley A. Evans

The North Face - Mountain Light

450 Words. 2 Minute Read.

The occasional movie at the Teton Theater in Jackson was four dollars and a beer at the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar was a buck and a half. As cheap as life was for an 18-year-old that summer, I couldn’t afford a coveted Mountain Light.

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