Bonham in 150 Words
Art Bradley A. Evans Art Bradley A. Evans

Bonham in 150 Words

150 Words. 1 Minute Read.

Why do the drums in “When the Levee Breaks” catapult us into a state of raw vulnerability? How does Bonham bypass the intellect and plunge so deftly into the visceral? How are his drum sticks so methodically violent and poetic?

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Tai chi in the Desert
Travel Bradley A. Evans Travel Bradley A. Evans

Tai chi in the Desert

957 Words. 4 Minute Read.

At some point, I’d open up a book and read until the sun started setting, with a nap here and there. Around five o’clock, the mountain skies turned into a panoramic canvas of violet, peach tones, and swaths of butterscotch.

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Logos & Such
WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans WASPy Stuff Bradley A. Evans

Logos & Such

1,219 Words. 5 Minute Read.

Life is odd at times. You work so hard for what you want, and when you get it, you don’t know that at that very moment, that’s as high as you’ll ever feel, and with each subsequent interaction, it loses its excitement and newness, until you become indifferent about seeing a movie screening at Peachtree Golf Club. What the hell is wrong with me?

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A Case for Cashmere (but not for YETI)
Misc. Bradley A. Evans Misc. Bradley A. Evans

A Case for Cashmere (but not for YETI)

1,531 Words. 6 Minute Read.

I had the distinct pleasure of participating in a decadent sartorial rite of passage this week – I wore cashmere socks for the first time. You heard me right. Cashmere socks are a thing, and to quote Jerry Seinfeld’s girlfriend, “They’re real, and they’re spectacular.”

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